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ANTARCTICA: Our Future and the Seventh Continent (Expedition #74)

  • antarctica U.S.A. (map)

GUIDES: Dr. Leon Chartrand

CONTACT DR. LEON for ALL expedition questions BEFORE contacting Center for International Education. or 307-690-2994

ACTIVITIES: We will embark by expeditionary ship, the MV USHUAIA, from Patagonia across the Drake Passage to the South Shetland Islands, crossing the Antarctic Circle, and then continue through the Antarctic Archipelago and Peninsula to eventually reach the continent of Antarctica. Along the voyage, disembarking twice a day at various locations, the expedition will visit King George, Livingston, and Pleneau islands, as well as sail through the narrow passages of Gerlache Strait, Neumayer and Lemaire channels, and Paradise Bay. Students will receive lectures on board and ashore about the Antarctic climate, biology, glaciology, and the impacts of polar ice on climatology and oceanography. They will learn about, and witness first-hand, the impacts of climate change upon this landscape. Students will witness massive glaciers calving. Because it is the height of the breeding season, students will walk among massive rookeries (at times 100,000 pairs or more) of various species of penguin, including Chinstrap, Adelie, Gentoo and King. They will visit colonies of elephant, fur, Weddell, crabeater and leopard seals. They will observe Minke, killer (orca) and humpback whales at close range. And they will see various seabirds, including blue-eyed cormorants and albatross. The Antarctic summer affords 24 hours of sun, so opportunities for experiences are abound, and the Drake Passage will afford students the opportunity to understand how the biological convergence of this passage allows for life to exist here and yet how fragile life is to climate change.

The expedition concludes with a return to Ushuaia, Patagonia for at least one full day of relaxation before heading back to campus.

FACULTY: Dr. Leon Chartrand, Dr. Kelly Swopt

COURSES: 6 Credits

THEO 332, Dr. Leon Chartrand, 3 Credits, CORE Theological Perspectives, ER/S, Gen Humanities Elective, Environmental Sci Elective, Peace Studies Elective, Free Elective

PHIL 200 (Philosophical Perspectives) OR PHIL 250 (Phil Elective), Dr. Kelly Swope, 3 Credits

PROGRAM FEE: $10,990 includes roundtrip airfare, roundtrip, 11-day ship voyage from Ushuaia, Patagonia to Antarctica and back, all lodging (including ship cabin), ground transportation, meals, snacks, Zodiac excursions onto islands and main continent to see wildlife, glaciers, etc.

TUITION: $3,480 ($580/credit hour) for 6 hours

DEPOSIT: Nonrefundable $400 deposit secures student’s spot. Deposit deducted from Program Fee.

LIMIT: Maximum 14 Students

VALUE: Attempting this program on one’s own would cost ~$27,150/person. For THIS expedition, a student’s total cost is $10,990 (Program Fee) + $3,480 Tuition for $14,470 total cost, or 53% cost-savings not including the unique, guide-led experiences that Dr. Leon and Xavier Expeditions' provide. For questions on payment plans, contact Xavier University’s Office of the Bursar. For questions on grants and scholarships, contact Xavier University’s Office of Financial Aid.