The words "Xavier University" and “Xavier Expeditions” and all logos, seels, names, symbols, and slogans associated with Xavier University and Xavier Expeditions are trademarks and are the exclusive property of Xavier University. They may not be reproduced without express written permission of the university. Xavier University monitors all uses of its trademarks to assure compliance with federal trademark law. Unauthorized uses of Xavier University's trademarks are subject to civil and criminal penalties. University written authorization is required to reproduce these marks for resale or other commercial purposes. Xavier University reserves the right to approve or disapprove any use of the trademarks. For more information, click here.
Most images and videos on this website are provided by students/faculty/guides who were actively participating in a Xavier Expedition and Xavier University at the time they were created. Other images displayed on this website are defined as “public domain” images and are made available for public use by the Department of Interior, National Park Service and US Fish & Wildlife Service or by the Department of Agriculture, US Forest Service. For questions concerning use of federal agency images, click here.